This session, part of the “Fish Story” project, was broadcast from the Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN, which hosted one of several venues for the city-wide exhibition, Memphis Social, curated by Tom McGlynn of Beautiful Fields and franchised by apexart. Aviva and Dr. Eugene Turner were joined by Ruth Hardinger, an artist and activist who focuses on fracking, Eve Andrée Laramée, an interdisciplinary artist, researcher, educator and activist working at the confluence of art and science, and Yvonne Senouf, cofounder with Corinne Weber of M.E.L.D., currently based in Athens, Greece and working as private art consultant. Gene talks about a project he worked on in Mexico restoring wetland hydrology, Yvonne Senouf describes a project on the rivers in Athens, Greece, Ruth Hardinger talks about fracking, and the effects of fracking waste in Pennsylvania, New York and North Dakota. Eve Laramée talks about radioactive waste being disposed of in the arid southwest United States (four corners Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico) polluting water sources and disproportionately affecting indigenous populations. Aviva describes the “Fish Story” project and why Memphis was chosen as a critical place to begin restoration.
Fish Story: Connecting the River Dots (webcast)